Since the Covid 19 pandemic and with our Nation’s economy and culture going through a dramatic decline, it is not surprising that many people, families, businesses, and – yes – Christian Congregations are facing very difficult times.
Many people and many Congregations have come to realize that they “just need to start over!”
Many need to start over in their relationship with God; many need to start over in their relationships with their family; many need to start over financially; and many need to start over in their jobs.
The most popular passage in all the Bible is John Chapter 3 and it is in this passage that Jesus tells a very religious man that what he needs is to “be born again.” That’s the best definition of starting over I have ever heard!
At Summit Fellowship, we are beginning a multi-year process of starting over as a local Congregation of Bible-believing Christians! We are putting together classes and other training events to help our friends realize their desire “to Just Start Over!”
If you sense a need to Just Start Over in any area of your life, here is an idea… “Let’s Start Over Together!” **Sundays @ 10:30am!
** If you need to "Start Over" in a personal relationship with God, please click on "THE GOOD NEWS" on the top right of this website!